樹玫瑰(Tree Rose)國外有給它嚴謹的定義,請參考如下:
AARS:'Tree roses are made up of a hardy root stock grafted to a long stem that is, in turn, grafted to a rose bush at the top of the stem…….' (註:現在已少見三段式接法,常見為二段式)。 其他:'Rose tree, also known as rose standards, once graced royal courts with their subtle perfume and dramatic forms…..' 'Rose standards are not a class of rose, but rather a way of growing roses. A rose bush, creeping, or climbing rose is grafted to a trunk giving the appearance of a tree. Often the trunk is further grafted to hardy rootstock……'
結論是經過嫁接的稱為樹玫會比較適當,建議同好使用之。而有網友買過修剪只剩主幹的"仿樹玫瑰",那當然不算是樹玫瑰。另外解釋一下國外所稱之rose standards,之前在網路上有看過把翻譯成類似"標準尺寸樹玫",喔喔…可不是這樣子的。rose standards和rose tree是相同的意思,國外的為了大規模生產,於是制定了24"、36"、48"及60"的高度,可不是某一種高度就稱為標準尺寸,不過36"高度的選擇性的確是比較多!而rose standards,這裡的standards是表示用支撐架著的意義。